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Long Term Market Outlook October 30th, 2023

Long Term Market Outlook October 30th, 2023

2795 views ⁞ Mon, October 30, 2023
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Dan takes a look at the longer term time frames... Read More
Long Term Market Outlook October 30th, 2023
Dan takes a look at the longer term time frames to see where we are setup heading into 2024. Get Lori's and other TCG templates here: _________ Get the MED here: Lori's Chart Setup: Get ready for the Market action with the TCG Team! We will review key levels and technical setups for ES and NQ futures, discuss key sectors and review some important tickers to get you ready for your trading day. Our Focus includes - Technical Analysis - Trade Education - Trend and Pattern Analysis - Market Psychology - Emotional and Mental Health We do this for fun, we're not financial advisors/advisers, and anything we say is said because we love the markets and talking about trading. We aren't giving you any financial or investment advice, any actions you take are your own, but have fun trading! #daytrading #livetrading #stocktrading #stockmarket

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