Meditation for Traders
Meditation for Traders Course Overview
Similarly, as a trader you are continually training for long-term, sustained financial success, and you’re an endurance monster, patiently watching and analyzing charts. Instead of training your physiology, I would argue that you as a trader are, at a fundamental level, training the power of your mind more than anything. Your mind is both the oxygen and the core muscle of your trading. You continue to sharpen your mind and perceptive capacity to more deeply understand trading, charts, markets, etc. You also work with your emotional responses and reactivity, whether FOMO, FUD, or mania, so as to not let reactivity hijack the power of your mind and attention to see clearly and make smart decisions in real-time.
Given how central working with your mind and emotions are as a trader, committing to training your mind directly in conscious practice you can greatly improve both your success in trading as well as your recovery, wellbeing, and joy away from the charts.
In this course I’m offering you several tools and practices for you to train and work with your mind and your emotions at the most foundational and core level of your being, in the same way an endurance athlete trains their biological systems for performance in races and in optimizing their recovery.
The practices I’m offering you are well-suited for both beginners and advanced practitioners. The only difference is how much time you put in, and how deep and subtle you cultivate the power of your mind and attention.
This course is a supportive, foundational starting point for your journey as an Awakened Trader. There is much more depth to explore, more practices, and more insights. I will add to this course based on your interest and experiences.
Yours in practice,
Ryan Oelke
Trader: An Endurance Athlete of the Mind
Meditation for Traders Course Structure
Ryan Oelke
1.1 | Introduction Video |
1.2 | Course Overview |
Clarifications and Advice
2.1 | Recorded Guided Meditations |
2.2 | Chair vs. Cushion |
2.3 | Physical Posture |
2.4 | How To Use The Recordings |
2.5 | Quality Over Quantity |
2.6 | Getting More Help |
Regular Meditation Practice
3.1 | Advice on Setting Up Regular Meditation |
Disentangling from the Charts
4.1 | Disentangling from the Charts |
4.2 | Version 1 - Seated at Computer, Screens On |
4.3 | Version 2 - Computer + Screens Off |
Clearing the Deck Post-Trading
5.1 | Gathering and Releasing Attention |
Power of Attention
6.1 | Harnessing the Power of Attention |
6.2 | Techniques |
6.3 | Flavours |
6.4 | Technique 1 - Breath |
6.5 | Technique 2 - Triangle Mouth |
Settling in the Body
7.1 | Overview |
7.2 | Physical Pain |
7.3 | Nervous System |
7.4 | Limits Your Capacities of Mind |
7.5 | Embodiment Shift Practice |
Advanced Somatic Meditation
8.1 | Aware Of vs. Inhabiting The Body |
8.2 | Pervasive Space |
8.3 | Practice - Aware vs. Inhabiting |
8.4 | Practice - Matter, Energy, Space |
8.5 | Practice - Simple Somatic Meditation |
Get Moving
9.1 | Moving Meditations Overview |
9.2 | Seated Meditation |
9.3 | Standing Meditation |
9.4 | Walking Meditation |
9.5 | Advanced Standing, Walking, and Movement Practices |
9.6 | Moving Arms as Wholeness and Subtlety |
9.7 | Cultivating Wholeness while Standing |
9.8 | Walking with Attention to Points on the Feet |
Setting Intention
10.1 | Intro Video |
10.2 | Setting Your Daily Intention with a Question |
10.3 | Settling and Inquiry - What is needed? |
Celebrating a Win
11.1 | Celebrating a Winning Trade or Day of Trading |
11.2 | Embodying the Win |
11.3 | Spontaneous Gratitude |
Dealing with a Loss
12.1 | Dealing with a Losing Trade or a Tough Day of Trading |
12.2 | Working with the content of your difficult experience |
12.3 | Embodied Shadow Work Meditation |
12.4 | Outloud Meditation or Social Meditation |
12.5 | There is Noting |
12.6 | Allowing Noting |
12.7 | May it Arise Noting |
Outloud / Social Meditation
13.1 | Solo and Social Meditation |
13.2 | There is Six Sense Noting |
13.3 | There is Noting (Freestyle) |
13.4 | May it Arise |
13.5 | Allowing Noting |
13.6 | Gratitude Noting |
Six Ways to Meditate
14.1 | Six Ways to Meditate |
Go Deeper
15.1 | Go Deeper |